To register for DAfx, fill out the accompanying registration form. Please fill in all the blanks and select the appropriate answers where more than one is possible. That way, DAfx can grow to satisfy the needs of everybody.
The registration fee for DAfx is different from most programs. There are two packages to choose from:
Package #1: Preferred Package;Customer
Fee: $20.00 in U. S. funds.
Benefits: • The preferred customer key will work with all versions of
DAfx (including the stand-alone version), up until the
color version is available. At which time the preferred
customer will be able to upgrade at the lowest possible
price, not to exceed 50% of the registration fee of the
color version - if such a version is ever produced. For
example, if the color version has a registration fee of
$20, the preferred customer will not have to pay more than
$10. The new key would then work on all future color
versions of DAfx.
• The preferred customer will be notified by mail or other
means (customer's preference) of major upgrades or problems.
• The preferred customer can also receive the latest version
of DAfx by sending $2.00 [includes 800K disk with latest
DAfx, documentation (on disk), and postage & handling] to
Mi Concepts, address shown below. Preferred customers are
eligible for the auto-update plan where updates are
available for $1.50 each (same 800K disk as mentioned above).
• Preferred customers who receive updates through the mail
may occasionally receive other KeyWare products under
Package #2: Common Package;Customer
Fee: $10.00 in U. S. funds.
Benefits: • The common customer key will work with the version
registered for and any changes to that version. For
example, if you register for version 1.01, your key
will work with all versions up to but not including
version 2.00. i.e. version 1.xx. If you register at
such a time that a major version is about to be released,
your key will also work with the next major version.
• Common customers will be notified by mail of the next
major version, at which time they can send in the upgrade
fee and receive a new key. If the upgrade is purchased,
the common customer will continue to receive notices of
major upgrades as long as they keep registering.
Otherwise, no further notification will be made.
• Common customers can receive the latest version by sending
$2.00 [includes 800K disk with latest DAfx, documentation
(on disk), and postage & handling] to Mi Concepts, address
shown below. This does not include versions that haven't
been registered for. For example, if you purchase a key
for version 1.xx, you can't receive updates for version
2.xx until you have sent in the upgrade fee. (The
registration fee for a major upgrade has not been determined
• Common customers who have registered for versions up to
the color version of DAfx will be able to upgrade their
key to the color version with a small discount on the
registration fee (not to be less or equal to that of the
preferred customer plan).
Fine Print: Mi Concepts reserves the right to issue new keys at any time for a new version release. The new keys will be sent free of charge to all preferred and common customers. And, DAfx is sold "as-is" and the user assumes all responsibilities and risks involved in using it. Modifying DAfx to bypass the KeyWare system, devising unauthorized keys, or giving away registered keys is strictly forbidden and is in violation of the copyright laws of the United States.
Those who register can receive on-line support through GEnie. You can share your comments and problems in the Coffee Mug BBS; category 5, topic 103. If you need to discuss something private, my address is "jmiles". If you're not on GEnie, you can send comments and problems to:
Mi Concepts
P.O. Box 8822
Kentwood, MI 49508
U.S. Funds only! Make checks or money orders payable to: Mi Concepts.
We will try to get your key on its way within 24 hours. Don't forget to include any comments or suggestions and thank you for your support!
<<---------------------------- START NEW PAGE HERE ---------------------------->>
Registration Form for DAfx
Company: ______________________________
Name: ______________________________
Address: ______________________________
City: ______________________________
State: ____________ Zip:__________
Country: ______________________________
Version: 1B31E1B231319ECF/GECMFX
(Check one - prices subject to change)
_ Yes, sign me up for Package #1, I want to be a preferred customer and
receive the great benefits mentioned. I have enclosed my check or money
order for $20.00 in U.S. funds. Please notify me of updates via:
_ U.S. Mail at the above address
_ GEnie E-Mail, my address is:_________________
_ Yes, sign me up for Package #2, I want to be a common customer and pay
on a per-upgrade basis. I have enclosed my check or money order for
$10.00 in U.S. funds.
_ I've also included an extra $1.50, please send me the next version when
it becomes available. (Includes 800K Disk with latest DAfx, documentation,
and postage & handling - offer valid with initial registration only)
(Please answer all of the following questions so that we can better serve you.
Check all that apply.)
I am a: __ Mac programmer/developer, __ Mac user.
I own a: __ Mac 512 __ Mac 512E __ Mac Plus __ Mac SE __ Mac II.
I have upgraded the memory to: _____MB of RAM.
I use version _________ (#) of the System and version _________ (#) of the
__I also use MultiFinder.
For printing, I use a: _ImageWriter (I/II) _ImageWriter LQ
_LaserWriter _Other____________________
I also have: _Hard Disk _Color option for Mac II
_68020 processor upgrade _68881 math coprocessor upgrade